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Niu Silan

Long Wikipedia
Yumi wetim wanpela manmeri husat i save gut long Tok Pisin long stretim stail bilong dispela pes.
This page is awaiting review by a fluent speaker of Tok Pisin.
New Zealand
Aotearoa( Maori Language)
Singsing"God Defend New Zealand"
"God Save the Queen"1
Location of Niu Silan
41°17′S 174°27′E / 41.283°S 174.45°E / -41.283; 174.45
Largest city Auckland2
Tokples bilong gavman Inglis3 (98%)11
Tok Maori (4.2%)11
STNS (0.6%)11
Gavman Parliamentary democracy (constitutional monarchy)
 -  Missis kwin Queen Elizabeth II
 -  Gavana-Jenerall Dame Patsy Reddy
 -  Praim Minista Jacinda Ardern
Independence from the UK 
 -  Dominion 26 September 19074 
 -  Statute of Westminster 1931 
 -  Full Independence 1947 
 -  Wara (%) 2.1
 -  March 2007 estimate 4,228,0005 (122nd (2005))
 -  2006 census 4,143,2796 
GDP (PPP) 2006 estimate
 -  Olgeta $108.799 billion7 (58th)
 -  Long wanwan manmeri $26,4708 (28th)
GDP (nominal) 2006 estimate
 -  Olgeta $103.873 billion (53th)
 -  Long wanwan manmeri $25,272 (29th)
Gini (1997) 36.2 (medium
HDI (2019) 0.921 (very high) (14th)
Karansi New Zealand dollar (NZD)
Taim hap NZST9 (UTC+12)
 -  Sama (DST) NZDT (UTC+13)
(Sep to Apr)
Intanet kod .nz10
Telefon kod 64
1 "God Save the Queen" is officially a national anthem but is generally used only on regal and vice-regal occasions. [1]
² Auckland is the largest urban area; Auckland City is the largest incorporated city.
³ English is a de facto official language; the other two have de jure official status.
4 There is a multitude of dates that could be considered to mark independence (see Independence of New Zealand).
5 Estimated resident population of New Zealand on 30 June 2007  National Population Estimates June 2007 quarter
6 New Zealand census 2006 final figures, including overseas visitors. Templet:PDFlink
72006 GDP data converted to PPP using World Bank Data;[2]
8 Word Bank GDP per capita data.
9 The Chatham Islands have a separate time zone, 45 minutes ahead of the rest of New Zealand.
10 The territories of Niue, the Cook Islands and Tokelau have their own cctlds, .nu, .ck and .tk respectively.
11 Percentages do not add to 100% because some people speak more than one language. They exclude unusable responses and those who spoke no language (e.g. too young to talk). Language spoken (total responses) for the census usually resident population count, 2006 (revised 21 December 2006).

Niu Silan i wanpela kantri klostu long Ostrelia. Niu Silan emi wanpela kantri bilong Pasifik. I gat tupela bikpela ailan long Niu Silan. Ol i kolim Not Ailan na Saut Ailan. Asples bilong gavan emi Welingtan tasol Oklan i moa bikpela taun. Long Niu Silan i gat 70 milien sipsip na 4 milien manmeri. Kantri i gat gut haus sik, i gat gut skul. HDI bilong Niu Silan stap 0.921, 14th long graun.

Ol Referens

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