Wikipedia:Kamapim nupela pes bilong mining

Long Wikipedia

Kamapim nupela pes bilong mining

Guidelines to make a dictionary entry

Plis stretim Tok Pisin bilong dispela pes.

Please correct the Tok Pisin on this page, thank you. This page is intended as a pattern for dictionary entries, not as accurate information about the language -- this, you will create.

Why have dictionary entries?

Bilong wanem yumi mas kamapim pes bl mining?

Why have dictionary entries?


Because the aim of the Tok Pisin Wikipedia is manyfold:

  1. We would like it to become an encyclopedia in Tok Pisin, where people can find useful information.
  2. Nevertheless, in order to achieve this aim, we must have as many contributors as possible.
  3. For this reason, the Tok Pisin Wikipedia must also be a tool to allow people to improve their knowledge of the language, or to learn the language if they wish to.

For these reasons, it is suggested to have two parts in each page:

  1. Dictionary
  2. Encyclopedia

Guideline 1: Use the most compact expression as an entry

Example 1:

bikos = bilong wanem
Use "bikos" as an entry, rather than "bilong wanem"

Example 2:

manki = pikinini man
Use "manki" as an entry, rather than "pikinini man"

Example 3:

sanbokis = pes yumi ken traim lg raitim pes
Use "sandbokis" as an entry, rather than "pes yumi ken traim lg raitim pes"

Guideline 2: Spelling for entries

Although it is recommanded to list the variants in spelling for each dictionary entry (see Guideline 4 below), maybe the spelling should be somewhat consistent in entries, links, and names of articles.

I suggest the following lines:
a. Favor consonant clusters at the begining of words, but not at the end.

  • "Graun" (ground, land, earth) rather than "giraun", "slek" (loose) rather than "selek" or "silek";
  • But "bokis" (box) rather than "boks", "senis" (change) rather than "sens".

b. Although both can be used in articles and discussions, in dictionary entries, follow the Tok Pisin spelling rather than the Bislama one.

  • "Taim" (time, when) rather than "taem"
  • "nau" (now) rather than "nao" ;

c. In words of English origin which end by -al or -le in English, use -el.

  • "Eksampel" rather than "eksampol" or "eksampal" ;
  • "Pipel" rather than "pipol" or "pipal".

d. In words of English origin containing j, accept j at the begining of words, but not at the end.

  • "jas" or "sas" (judge) ;
  • But "viles" rather than "vilej".

Consider that word containing "j" are homonymous to words containing "s" in the same place, since many people replace "j" with "s".

  • "jas" (a neologism for "Jazz") is homonymous to "sas" (judge) ;

e. In words of English origin containing f, favor p, unless the word is well established with f.

  • "pinga" (finger) rather than "finga";
  • "fut" (foot) rather than "put", for those who use "fut" (foot) by opposition to "lek" (leg), since for those the word is well established with an "f".

Consider that word containing "f" are homonymous to words containing "p" in the same place, since many people replace "f" with "p".

  • "pok" (a proposed and disputed neologism for "pork") would be homonymous to "fok" (fork).

Feel free to discuss those suggestions in the discussion page.

Guideline 3: Use the following pattern:

Mining bl dispela tok


Lain bl mining

Lain bl klirim mining

  • soim toktok (nem bl pes dispela toktok i kam)
  • narapela soim toktok (nem bl pes dispela toktok i kam)

Meaning (English)

Clarification line

  • Example 1 (reference)
  • Exemple 2 (reference)

Kainkain longsave lg dispela tok


Leave it empty. You will (or others will) complete it later.

Example for the word "Tok Pisin":

Tok Pisin, Tokpisin

Pisin ol i yusim lg toktok gavman lg Papua Nugini

  • Ol i save toktok long tok pisin na i kamap klia gut liklik. (Panu na Iwamoto)
  • ... tanim tok long Tok Inglis igo long Tok Pisin (PNGsearch)

Tok Pisin, Melanesian Pidgin, Neo-Melanesian

Pidgin used as official language in Papua New Guinea

  • They could speak Tok Pisin and be understood well enough.
  • ... translate from English to TP.

Guideline 4: Advanced

About the meaning line

  • Separate spellings or equivalent words by commas. Example: Tok Pisin, Tokpisin.
  • Accept variation in dialects and spelling, even if you do not approuve them. Example: halivim, halvim, halevim, helvim, helpim.
  • Give maximum 2, 3 English equivalents. Example for kamapim: create, cause smth.

About the clarification line

  • Think about it as an alternative for the word itself. Example: sanbokis = pes yumi ken traim lg raitim pes.
  • It should be able to replace the word itself in a sentence. Example: plis yusim sanbokis = plis yusim pes yumi ken traim lg raitim pes.
  • Ideally, the words in the clarification line must be simpler (more basic) than the word they define. As a consequence, some words may not need a clarification line. They are the most basic words in the language. Examples: haus, pikinini, bilong.
  • Link all words in the clarification line! They will help building a comprehensive dictionary.
  • If there is more than one meaning, or if there is a suffix, separate entries.
Example 1:


Lain bl klirim mining

  • soim toktok (nem bl pes dispela toktok i kam)
  • narapela soim toktok (nem bl pes dispela toktok i kam)


Clarification line

  • Examples in Mihalic
  • Other exemple 2 (reference)


Lain bl klirim mining

  • soim toktok (nem bl pes dispela toktok i kam)
  • narapela soim toktok (nem bl pes dispela toktok i kam)


Clarification line

  • Example 1 (reference)
  • Exemple 2 (reference)
  • If there is an entry in the Mihalic project, why not put an external link to it?
Example 2:


Lain bl klirim mining

  • soim toktok (nem bl pes dispela toktok i kam)
  • narapela soim toktok (nem bl pes dispela toktok i kam)

occur, appear

Clarification line

  • Example 1 (reference)
  • Exemple 2 (reference)


Lain bl klirim mining

  • soim toktok (nem bl pes dispela toktok i kam)
  • narapela soim toktok (nem bl pes dispela toktok i kam)

create, cause smth

Clarification line

  • Example 1 (reference)
  • Exemple 2 (reference)