Yusa:Tlustulimu/Ol buk
Mi inap yusim ol buk long Wikipodia long Tok Pisin.
- Kauderwelsch Band 18, Pidgin-Englisch für Papua-Neuguinea, 3. taim bilong prinim buk 2001, ISBN 3-89416-517-0
- Papua New Guinea TOK PISIN ENGLISH Dictionary, The perfect dictionary for learners of English and Tok Pisin, Oxford University Press 2008, ISBN 978-0-19-555112-9
Ol link long pes long Tok Pisin
- http://amor.rz.hu-berlin.de/%7Eh2816i3x/Lehre/2007_HS_TokPisin/HS_TokPisin_2007.pdf (de.), (en.)
- Pes Unilang long Tok Pisin (en.)
Stori long Tok Pisin long sampela Wikipedia